The UK Japan FinTech Initiative
Doreming, a global financial technology company selected as one of the FinTech100 companies by KPMG in 2016 for its work on financial inclusion, is organising an event on 17th March on the topic of The UK Japan FinTech Initiative.
1) Promote the UK-Japan FinTech collaboration and innovation across governments, corporations, financial institutions and financial technology companies.
2) Examine how collaboration could tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Financial Inclusion.
3) Discuss how Doreming’s Initiative can bring together public and private sectors to help tackle Financial Inclusion and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
There will be speakers from the UK HM Treasury, Financial Conduct Authority, Department for International Trade, CDC Group, Level39, Innovate Finance and major Japanese companies at the event.
英国財務省(HM Treasury)、金融庁(FCA)、対投資省(DIT)、CDCグループ、Level39、Innovate Financeなどの英国機関、そして日本の大手企業の方々が登壇します。
VIP Speaker
Rohini Kumar, UK Department for International Trade (DIT)
Deputy Director of Financial Services Organisation (FSO)
DIT is a specialised government body that is responsible for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to the UK. DIT FSO is responsible for covering FinTech, insurance, capital markets and asset management. At DIT FSO, Rohini works with the Financial Services Trade & Investment Board and helps support trade & investment opportunities in markets across the globe.
DITは、世界における英国との貿易を促進し、英国への外資誘致を担当する専門機関です。 DIT FSOは、FinTech、保険、資本市場および資産管理を担当しています。 DIT FSOでは、Rohiniは金融サービス貿易投資委員会と協力し、世界中で貿易と投資の機会を支援しています。
Prior to DIT, Rohini spent the majority of her career at HM Treasury working on varioius issues ranging from budget coordination to financial stability. Rohini brings both regulatory and policy expertise to her role of supporting UK financial services firms in exporting their services and helping international firms set up in the UK.
Department for International Trade Website
VIP Speaker
Sarah McKenzie, UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Acting Senior Manager of the Innovation Hub
The FCA Innovation Hub aims to encourage innovation in financial services by supporting innovator businesses with a range of services, including providing direct support to firms in navigating the regulatory landscape and with the Regulatory Sandbox, which provides a safe space for firms to test new and innovative ideas.
FCAイノベーションハブは、種々の規制に対応したり、新しく開発した革新的なものとアイデアをテストをするための安全なスペースを提供するRegulaatory Sandboxとともに、様々なサービスでイノベーション事業を直接サポートすることで、金融サービスのイノベーションの促進を目指しています。
Prior to the Innovation Hub, Sarah was a manager in the FCA’s Competition Division, where she led a number of projects including the FCA’s response to the CMA investigation of competition in retail banking and the early stages of work on the use of big data in general insurance.
Sarah has almost 15 years of regulatory experience at the FCA and the former Financial Services Authority (FSA) in a range of roles covering policy, supervision and project management.
Financial Conduct Authority Website
VIP Speaker
Florence Masser, UK HM Treasury
Policy Advisor, Global Financial Markets Team
HM Treasury is the government’s economic and finance ministry, maintaining control over public spending, setting the direction of the UK’s economic policy and working to achieve strong and sustainable economic growth.
Florence is responsible for international FinTech and the UK’s financial services priorities with Japan, Singapore, the Republic of Korea and the ASEAN region.
Prior to HM Treasury, she worked as a Parliamentary Assistant to a Member of Parliament in the Houses of Parliament for three years.
VIP Speaker
Paul Lam, CDC Group
Investment Associate at Department For International Development Impact Acceleration Fund
CDC Group is a development finance institution (DFI) owned by the UK Government. CDC’s mission is to support the building of businesses throughout Africa and South Asia, to create jobs and make a lasting impact on people’s lives in some of the world’s poorest regions.
CDCグループは、英国政府管轄の開発金融機関(DFI)です。 CDCの目的は、アフリカと南アジア全域でのビジネス構築を支援し、雇用を創出し、世界の最も貧しい地域の人々の生活に永続的な成長をもたらすことです。
Prior to joining CDC Group, Paul worked at the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group focusing mainly on FinTech and CleanTech and at UBS for investment banking.
Panel Discussion:
Ben Brabyn, Level39
Head of Level39
Level39 is the world’s most connected accelerator space for finance, cybersecurity, retail and smart-city technology businesses. Based in the heart of Canary Wharf, Level39 provides early-stage and scale-up businesses prime access to key customers and budget holders. Owned by Canary Wharf Group, Level39 enables businesses to grow with flexibility supporting them at every stage of their development.
レベル39は、ファイナンス、サイバーセキュリティ、リテール、スマートシティのテクノロジー事業のための世界と最も繋がれるアクセラレータ施設です。レベル39は、カナリーワーフ(ロンドンの金融街)の中心に位置しており、主要カスタマーや投資家へのアクセスを最優先にしたアーリーステージにおけるビジネススケールを提供しています。 Canary Wharf Groupが所有しているLevel39は、開発のあらゆる段階でビジネスを柔軟にサポートしてビジネスを成長させます。
Ben amplifies Canary Wharf’s status as a global technology hub at the heart of the UK’s FinTech and smart cities innovation. He brings experience of online payments, cyber and social e-commerce.
Prior to Level39, Ben was at UKTI leading the Government team connecting UK startups with global sources of investment. He brings a deep understanding of national policy combined with practical experience of entrepreneurship gained through founding two successful digital businesses.
Twitter: @BenBrabyn
Abdul Haseeb Basit, Innovate Finance
Chief Financial Officer & Co-Founder
Innovate Finance is an independent, non-profit membership based organisation and industry body serving the FinTech community. It aims to accelerate the UK’s position as the number one global hub for FinTech by directly supporting the next generation of technology-led financial services innovators and entrepreneurs.
イノベートファイナンスは、英国のグローバルFinTechコミュニティを代表する独立した非営利団体です。ロンドン市とCanary Wharf Groupの支援を受けて2014年に設立され、次世代の金融サービスに取り組む発明家、スタートアップを支援し、世界の金融サービス業界における英国のリーダー的な地位を加速することを目指しています。
Abdul is the CFO, Chief Talent Officer and a co-founder of Innovate Finance. He works with a number of Innovate Finance strategic partners to deliver the core objectives of the organisation.
Prior to working at Innovate Finance, Abdul worked in wealth management strategy and change management roles at Credit Suisse. He is a qualified management accountant and has an MBA. Abdul is well versed in Islamic Finance and has a keen interest in supporting the potential for FinTech to drive the Islamic Finance sector forward.
Twitter: @abdulhbasit
Executive Speech
Akiyoshi Hiraoka, Nihon Unisys Group (including subsidiaries and affiliates of Nihon Unisys, Ltd.)
日本ユニシス株式会社 代表取締役社長 平岡 昭良
Established in 1958, the Nihon Unisys Group has a history dating back to the dawn of the computer era. The company has continued to contribute to the development of IT in Japan by providing effective and timely solutions to the needs of IT users. The Group provides integrated services that begin with the analysis of management issues and culminate in their solution for clients in sectors ranging from financial services, manufacturing and distribution to energy and government. By working in close communication with clients, the Group is able to provide powerful support for IT-based management innovation through the creation of systems that are optimized to meet user needs.
Mr. Hiraoka is the President, CEO and CHO (Chief Human Officer) of Nihon Unisys Group and has been with the company since 1980 in various roles, including Chief Marketing Officer and Manager of the Business Innovation Division.
Executive Speech
Director & Executive Managing Officer
三井情報株式会社 取締役常務執行役員 岩田 義弘
MITSUI KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRY (MKI) provides a wide range of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) services, not only centered on system and network construction, but also extending to data center services and cloud services as an “ICT Service Creator.”
Mr. Iwata has been the Director & Executive Managing Officer at MKI since 2014. Prior to 2014, Mr Iwata was the General Manager of the Corporate Administration Dept., Human Resource Dept. & Regional CCO of London office at Mitsui & Co. Europe Plc.
Executive Speech
Yoshiki Furuta, SoftBank Corporation
Vice President, Business Development Division
ソフトバンク株式会社 法人事業開発本部 副本部長
兼 法人事業開発本部 事業開発統括部 統括部長 古田 芳樹
The SoftBank Group’s aim is to contribute to people’s happiness through the Information Revolution, and to become “the corporate group needed most by people around the world.”
To achieve its vision, SoftBank will continue to concentrate its operations in the information industry, and advance the Information Revolution with leading technologies essential to the times and superior business models.
Organisations registered to attend A to Z:
Antum Advisors
CDC Group
Citi Inclusive Finance
City of London Corporation
Department for International Trade
DOCOMO Digital
EY London
Financial Conduct Authority
FinTech Circle
Foundation for MultiMedia Communications
Hitachi Consulting
HM Treasury
Innovate Finance
Japan Embassy in the UK
JETRO London
JRI Europe Ltd.
London & Partners
Newton IT
NHK London
Nihon Unisys Group (including subsidiaries and affiliates of Nihon Unisys, Ltd.)
Nikkei London
SMBC Europe
SoftBank Telecom Europe
StartupBootcamp FinTech
T.Y.K. International
The Banker
The Framework
The University of Tokyo
UK Department for International Trade
Yuki International Ltd